The right home environment has a direct impact on our healing and well-being.
You know that feeling you get when you walk into a room and a wave of peace rolls over you?
If you are feeling the chaos of life or dealing with an illness, we can help create a restorative home environment to help you heal. Click here for tips on designing an ADHD-friendly space.
As important as it is to make visual statements in your home (the WOW), it is also essential to create places of calm to counteract the chaos of life. In today’s world, that is more important than ever.
Use Zen Simplicity to create a home environment that nurtures you
The Zen Aesthetic
- Simplicity
- Clarity
- Uncluttered
The best way to create serenity is to clear the clutter and visual chaos. We have all heard the saying “Less is More,” by simply uncluttering your home of “things” you will create a more tranquil oasis.
We often hear from potential clients that they just have too much stuff and that they could use some help using what they have to create a more welcoming environment. We can make a significant impact by going through the home, relocating some things, getting rid of others and filling in any holes with a few new exciting pieces.
What you need to learn about the magic of tidying up and decluttering. Click here
Consider a Soothing Color Scheme to create a home environment that nurtures you
Color can cause feelings of boredom and calmness, or stimulation and liveliness. Specific colors may cause the nervous system to become agitated and the body to react in negative ways.
Understanding how color affects an environment is essential knowledge for your designer to have, especially when designing a space for someone with special needs, like an ADD child or adult.
Click here to learn more about the Psychological Properties of Colors
Create a Spa Bathroom to create a home environment that nurtures you.
Creating a spa-like environment to bathe and pamper yourself in can make a real difference in your mindset. Of course, the right color is going to have a huge impact.
Other notable features are how space comes together with the proper lighting (install a dimmer switch on your lights), an exceptional shower/bathing system, soothing scents, and candles (naturally).
Create your Healing Place to create a home environment that nurtures you
If you don’t have a place in your home where you can be peaceful and serene, it is essential to have one—even if it’s a small nook in your bedroom.
A water fountain and a candle can create an instant sanctuary, as can relaxing music, a comfy chair, soft lighting, a candle, and your favorite books or magazines. (Just seeing your quiet corner can lower your stress level during the day!)
Want to read more….
Click here for a great article from Experience Life Magazine
Here are some great de-clutter tips from my friends from The Closet Factory