Are you looking for a way to update your kitchen without replacing the cabinets?
Have you wondered if you should paint your cabinets but are worried about how durable it would be?

We have been transforming many of our client’s homes with a 7 step process where we create a custom color that is extremely durable. This process combined with the skill and the application talent of our decorative painter, Sarah Ashford allows us to turn a “Pig’s ear into a silk purse“.
Trained in Europe, Sarah feels that there is no better application available today as there is no other paint system that covers the grain like this one does.
Some Other Important Features:
* It is remarkably versatile and can be used on any surface
* It has a superb color range and is easily customized
* It is very eco-friendly and contains no lead
* It is extremely low VOCs and has no odor
* No sanding is necessary

Because you can apply it directly to just about any surface, from wood to metal, it can revitalize and transform tired old furniture, all cabinets, entire interiors from walls and ceilings even floors. We also like the range of techniques: from modern and contemporary to colorful boho chic, to elegant and traditional. It is the perfect solution to use to paint your cabinets.
Is the option to paint your cabinets right for you?
It is, if…… They are in good shape…. You like the layout of your kitchen. …You like the idea of saving money. ..You dread the idea of going through a kitchen remodel.
Thank you to our two amazing clients who asked us if they should paint their cabinets….. and we told them yes!!
Colleen and Jim and Yolanda and Vic were gracious to allow us to share the beautiful transformation of their home.
The “before and after” photos below are from a project that Sarah is working on with Designer Premier designer, Paula Bennett. Our client Colleen knew that she needed to update her home but she had no idea where to begin. She was afraid of wasting both her money and her time. Like most clients do, Colleen started doing some research to see if she could find the answers.
Her search brought her to BAC Appliances (if you need appliances they are the absolute best) and was lucky to start a conversation with Livia. Understanding the type of help they needed Livia directed Colleen to Marina, owner and “Design Matchmaker” for Designer Premier. Marina met with them complimentary in their home and asked a lot of questions so she could match them to the perfect designer.
Marina shared with Colleen that the first step would be to create a design plan; the designer would go through the house with them and decide what stays and what goes, relocate some things, decide what needs to be remodeled and updated.
Colleen’s Kitchen Before
Kitchen Before
Colleen’s Kitchen After
Kitchen Cabinets After
Colleen’s Office Bookcase Before
Office Bookcase After
Fireplace & Built-ins After
Fireplace & Built-ins After
Colleen’s project was Paula’s direction and inspiration. Paula suggested that painting the cabinets and railings would make a huge impact. Colleen and Jim agreed so the kitchen cabinet color was customized by coordinating the existing stone back-splash and mixing neutral colors for the cabinets that worked with the drama of the stone as well as the rest of the room. The cabinets were made of different materials, some were wood and some laminate so this would have been impossible with any other type of paint.
Do you have ugly dated railings and furniture that is still in great shape but needs some love?
We painted the cabinets on either side of the fireplace in the family room and the office the same as the kitchen. The fireplace surround in the living room and columns entering the dining room were silver paint over white, adding a sheen and touch of elegance by complimenting the new crisp contemporary look. By painting the handrail black it added the final visual punch.
Colleen’s Dining Room Before
Colleen’s Dining Room After
Colleen’s Stairs Before
Colleen’s Stairs After
Colleen’s husband Jim, was also very happy and so impressed with the outcome. He confessed to Paula after that he had not felt that the kitchen needed updating but now that he saw the transformation he realized how dated it was.
Do you have a fireplace that needs a refresh?
Paula also suggested that the living room fireplace and wall needed to be updated. When I met with Colleen she had told me that she loved the specialty paper finish on the wall. Paula explained to her that while it would be beautiful in a different environment it was not appropriate for the style of the home, nor did it compliment the fireplace. I am sure you will agree by the photos below that she was right.

Yolanda had her home for sale but was not getting the type of offers she had hoped for. She felt that the reason was that the exterior of the home was very contemporary and that her kitchen was more traditional; thus it did not excite potential buyers.
Like Colleen, Yolanda knew that she needed some help. She contacted Derek from BAC Appliances and he told her to contact Marina as she would know the perfect designer to help her update her home for resale. Marina met with Yolanda and her husband Vic and designed that Designer Premier Designer, Paula Bennett was perfect for them and their project.
Yolanda had thought that they would have to replace the kitchen cabinets but Paula did not feel this was necessary as they were in excellent condition. Paula agreed that they needed to be more contemporary to go with the rest of the home but new this could be done more economically with less impact on the family by bringing in our decorative painter Sarah Ashford.
Yolanda’s Kitchen Before
Cabinets After
Kitchen Before
Kitchen After
Cabinets Before
Cabinets After
Kitchen Island Before
Kitchen Island After
Yolanda’s beautiful contemporary home is now updated and is fresh and clean in design.
We have been transforming many of our client’s homes with a multi-step process where we create a beautiful custom color that is extremely durable.
This process combined with the skill and the application talent of our decorative painter, Sarah Ashford allows us to turn a “Pig’s ear into a silk purse“.