How many times have you sent an email to a potential client wondering if they received it?
Wouldn’t it be beneficial to know if and when they read it, and what links they clicked on?
ReadNotify is an extremely sophisticated certified email service that has options to let you know whether an email you sent was opened under all circumstances and provides proof of your sending, too, while hiding most of the complexity behind easily accessible plug-ins, tools and email shortcuts.
I wanted to share this service with you as it has been an important closing tool for me. There are so many ways that it will help you in your client communications and closings. For example, I had a client that took me several months to close. I knew she was still interested as Readnotify told me every time she opened my email. When she did this I would call to touch base or send an email. She told me that I must be physic as she was just thinking about me.
It is also helpful when you send information to a new inquiry as it lets you know when they read your email and what links they open. Also, if they open it again the next day or a week later it lets you know. This helps you understand how interested they are in your services.
Readnotify is an inexpensive (only $36 a year) email tracking service that tells you when your tracked emails and documents are opened / re-opened / forwarded and so much more.