Get a Killer Interior Design Bio at 50% Off!
By Fred Berns
Is your bio boosting or blocking you?
Is the personal profile on your website, social networking sites, and in your marketing materials qualifying you for the kind of clients you want? Or, is it disqualifying you?
Before you can sell your interior design services, you have to sell yourself. That’s why your bio is your most important personal marketing tool.
Some Keys to a Killer Bio:
1/ “Only” ( as in, “I’m the areas’ only designer who…” ) is your Million $$$ Bio Word.
2/ Other Bio Words that ROCK: First, Newest, Oldest ( longest-established), Largest, Award-Winning
3/ Your design skills don’t matter. What matters is how clients benefit from them.
4/ Don’t dwell on your “don’t’s.” Don’t fret about the experience, clients, degrees, certifications, and awards that you don’t have.
5/ Highlight, don’t hide your past. Explain how your current clients benefit from the skills you gained from past employment.
If your bio undersells and fails to differentiate you, it is handicapping rather than helping you. You can’t afford that. But you can afford this:
Sign up by Dec. 31, and I’ll create for you a Killer Bio for half the regular price.
Your new bio will spell out your specialness and position you as a uniquely qualified, one-of-a-kind design professional.
It may well be that your online promotional profiles and your website “About Us” section undersell you. As a result, those you seek to influence don’t know all that you do, have done and can do.
This is not to say you’re unqualified, or lacking in interior design talent and skill.
It is to say that you don’t adequately share that information on your website, in social media, and in your marketing materials.
Your personal bio is your most versatile, valuable, and vital personal marketing tool. A good bio validates your value and spells out your specialness. It takes care of the “heaving lifting,” bragging about you in print so you don’t have to do so in person.
Is your bio a help or a hindrance?
The beginning tells a bundle. A sure sign your bio doesn’t work is if it starts by saying that you “launched your design firm 17 years ago.”
Or that you’re a New York native. Or that you received your design degree in 1999. Or that you’re “passionate” about design.
Nor am I impressed when you tell me that you “search beyond typical design solutions.”
Or that you “believe that your home interior reflects your lifestyle.” Or that you feel that “good design enhances the quality of life.”
Oh, pul – ease!
Skip the baloney, and give me benefits.
Tell me how you can enhance my home value or increase my workplace productivity, and how you can save me time, money and headaches.
And tell me how you differ from your competitors.
You can’t get the best projects from the best clients with a bad bio. And it doesn’t matter how good you are if the right people don’t know.
Make it a priority to write or rewrite your bio – or get it rewritten— immediately. Not next week or next quarter. Now!
Treat your bio as if your business, career and future depend on it.
Because you know what?
They do.
Register for your half-price bio by contacting Fred at Fred@FredBerns, or 303-589-3013.
Fred Berns, a design industry business coach, copywriter and speaker, creates bios and other marketing materials for interior design professionals worldwide. Contact him at or 303-589-3013, and check out his website at