“Marina, can you help us find a talented and affordable Denver Designer?”
This was the start of a phone call from Dave and Lisa in December 2014. They had a home in Superior they wanted some help to modernize.
Their home had been decorated with Tuscan Design influences but it felt dark and heavy now and needed a refresh.
We need an affordable Denver Designer who can breathe freshness into our home.
After an extensive at-home interview with Dave and Lisa, Marina set up interviews with several designers that she felt would be a perfect fit.
It was decided that Pam would be the perfect, affordable Denver Designer for them.
Why did they ask for an Affordable Denver Designer?
Two years ago Dave and Lisa bought a place in Florida. They found a designer there who helped them furnished the whole place. It was a fantastic experience and Lisa cried when she saw it.
When they moved to Superior, Colorado, they started working with a designer that they had found on their own (they are not a part of Designer Premier). This Denver designer wanted to spend $10,000 on a sofa, $100,000 on window treatments. Lisa shared with me that she knows that you can easily spend that much but that is was too extravagant for them.
Lisa and Dave were thrilled because Pam helped them fall in love with their home again.
Like the Florida designer, Pam did not have to have everything high-end or custom to create wonderful spaces. Pam recreated their home, so it was warm, inviting, and a reflection of who they are. She found quality pieces that were fabulous but not extravagant.
Pam is one of many Affordable Denver Designer that was selected by Marina Dagenais to be the experts that she represents as “The Design Matchmaker“.