2015 Care Award Winner

care 2015The 2015 Care Award (Colorado Awards in Remodeling Excellence)

for BEST Whole House Remodel was awarded to one of Designer Premier’s Designers, Greg Comstock.

The CARE Awards are the largest and longest-running contest recognizing remodeling of all types, including both commercial and residential in Colorado.

Award-winning remodeling project: BEST Whole House Remodel ($250,000 – $500,000)-

This home was featured in the Colorado Homes & Lifestyle magazine. They named it “Mid-Century Marvel” 

Click here to read more about this beautiful project

BEST Whole House Remodel

BEST Whole House Remodel

BEST Whole House Remodel

BEST Whole House Remodel

BEST Whole House Remodel

BEST Whole House Remodel

BEST Whole House Remodel

Greg Comstock,  is one of twenty designers that were selected by Marina Dagenais to be the experts that she represents as The Design Matchmaker.

Marina matches homeowners with the perfect interior designer based on personality, scope of work, talented needed, design style, budget, location and timing.

Interested in learning more? Click here to view a short video on her Complimentary Designer Matching Service

Contact Marina today to start a conversation about the many wonderful options we have at your disposal~


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