Make Me a Match
Known as the “Design Matchmaker”, Marina Dagenais’ Denver-based free matching service connects homeowners with design professionals, saving clients serious time when it comes to hunting down the perfect designer, builder, or architect.
DENVER LIFE MAGAZINE – APRIL 1, 2015, By Deborah Walden Ossi

Expert Tips for Hiring an Interior Designer who Suits Your Style.
Free designer matchmaking services, such as those offered by Designer Premier, do a lot of the heavy lifting for you. “I take the personality piece, scope, aesthetic, and budget and narrow it down to two or three different designers who I think are going to be a great fit. Then I set up interviews,” says Designer Premier owner Marina Dagenais. All you have to do is show up.
Designer Premier
by Colleen Smith
As with any matchmaking endeavor, personal preferences come into play. Dagenais says, “The most important thing is the personality piece. People search on the web and see somebody with the look they want. But if you can’t communicate with your designers, it doesn’t matter if they do the exact look you want. They can’t get into your head and design for you. If they can’t communicate with you, they can’t ask the right questions and design a nurturing environment.”
Design Matchmaker the Ultimate Personalized Service
By Chad Chisholm May. 13th, 2012
Finding a designer “just for you” just became a whole lot simpler. One of only three in the country, Marina Dagenais, also known as the “Design Matchmaker” and Principal of Designer Premier, is making magic happen in Colorado and beyond. Matching clients’ needs and personalities with prescreened and appropriate professionals, Marina is taking the headache out of personal projects by matchmaking to industry specialists.